Objects that store references to the actual Data = Reference. Classes, Interfaces, and Delegates are examples
Value types actually Hold values...assigning one value type to another COPIES the values. ENUMS, Bools, etc...
Each data-type in c# is a class or structure
structures are value types (int, bools)
classes are reference types
Delegates are function pointers
Object that knows how to call a method(s)
Reference to a function
Func is a delegate that represents a method that returns a value. Func
"Not Extensible"...meaning developer has to build and Re-Deploy your code. (Interfaces help solve this)
"Extensible"...Developer don't have to rely on you
System.Action (one Generic T) one Non-Generic
System.Func ... points to method that returns a-value
Interface or Delegate?
Use delegate when: an Eventing design pattern issued...The caller doesn't need to access other properties or methods
events are mechanisms for communicating between objects
EVENT - Sender => EVENT - Receiver
(EVENT sender knows nothign about EVENT Receiver
are used to specify methods and properties that a derived class will have access to.
Like a contract...if a class implements an interface...then the interface guarantees the class has access to that method.
Doesn't contain Code or Data nor method implementations
all start w/ I.
no access modifiers
no body on methods
are always public
Big role in Abstraction and Styles
Used to specify related behaviors that may be common across unrelated classes
can extend a class and implement an interface at the same time
can only extend one class but may implement many interfaces
Icomparer T, Compare(T,T)
Interfaces != for Multiple Inheritances...
...No code reusability...Just-Conforming to a Contract
interface merely declares a contract or a behavior that implementing classes should have.
It may declare only properties, methods, and events with no access modifiers.
All the declared members must be implemented.
similar to interfaces BUT can't be instantiated. Frequently partially or never implemented
abstract classes cannot be instantiated
Can contain code or data
A class can inherit from only one abstract class (but can implement multiple interfaces)
Can specify methods as virtual to force a derived class to implement their own definition.
If you have classes that will have a lot of the same code/methods...go with abtract class instead of interfaces
Containing Class doesn't hold implementation (derived classes do that)
Derived classes must implement all derived methods.
Example: A Person abstract class that has a PrintName() method in addition to some data such as default value for an age.
should-be used to collect and specify behavior by related classes.
can inherit traits from the class without any objects from that class being created
you IMPLEMENT an interface while you EXTEND an abstract class
Sealed Modifier prevents it from derived or overriding of methods
Sealed can only be applied to methods that are overriding "virtual" methods of the base class.
slightly faster because of run-time optimizations
abstract class provides a partial implementation for a functionality and some abstract/virtual members that must be implemented by the inheriting entities.
abstract class can declare fields too (use for classes that have common functionality).
Neither interfaces nor abstract classes can be instantiated
Used to create data or functions that don't need to be instantiated
only contain static members
inherently sealed
Can't be instantiated
a method should be static when it does not refer to any isntance fields of the containing class
must be marked as 'virtual' to override
method signatures must be exactly the same (names of)...and return types same...and types and number of input parameters as well
static variable is-shared between all instances of the class
allow you to enforce Type Safety by letting you tailor a method or class to a precise data-type
example: Array Class to store list of users or products and then when you use them you can use them as Users or Products (don't have to do any unboxing)
can put Generic method inside non-generic class
rare to have to create Generic classes or methods
abstraction allows making relevant information visible
are usually implemented as Abstract classes or Interfaces
Allows for objects of different types to be used in the same way
...when classes have different functionality while sharing the same interface
Blue Ray Disc player(is the interface) able to play DVD(object) or CD(object)
Employee class...another class inherits from it(contractor)..then a permanent Employee class...SO they have different CalculateSalary classes (polymorphic)
Overloading with your methods is also a form of polymorphism
creating multiple methods in a class with same name but different parameters and types is called method overloading...is an example of compile time polymorhpism which is done at compile time.
Run Time polymorphism would be Method overriding
Bundling of related data & behaviors that operate on that data
achieved through the use of objects
keeping behavior limited to where it matters (that class)
Related features
Encapsulation prevents access to implementation details.
encapsulation ex: setting stuff as private inside classes
when an object or class is based on a parent class (taking on its characteristics)
polymorphic, code Re-Use
Allows one class to contain another (Car has an Engine)
looser coupling than Inheritance
Any Inheritance can be built into Composition
protected ONLY accessible from its class and derived classes. (AVOID if can...use private instead)
CLR Common Language Run-Time...offers security, memory management, exception handling
FCL (framework class library) sits on top of the CLR
C# compilers create Managed code - garbage collecting, references etc...
Unmanaged code compiles straight to machine code...
...Not portable
...Not managed by the CLR
Boxing is the process of converting a value type to the type object (integer into an object). Boxing is implicit.
Boxed values use more memory and require memory lookups to access.
Unboxing extracts the value from the object. Unboxing is explicit.
allows your class to no longer be responsible for instantiating its own dependencies
helps to develop loosely coupled code
3 ways - method, constructor,
Derives from the concept of Inversion of Control
Authors of "Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software"
Allows applications to perform with CRUD type operations
Provides an obstraction of data so that
Maintains in-memory updates
sends in-memory updates as one transaction to the database
often used with Repository Pattern...similar to how transactions in database are done which can be rolled back.
Monolithic Pros:
Monolithic Cons:
Microservice Pros:
Microservice Cons:
Positive attitudes toward microservices, despite the higher initial cost vs monolthic apps. Aware that microservices tend to perform and scale better in the long run.
Structure the app so that services are independent from each other at the code level, but easy to bundle together as a monolithic app in the beginning. Microservice overhead costs can be delayed until it becomes more practical to pay the price.
anonymous method
No access modifier
No name
no return statement
conveniance (readable)
args goes to expression
args => expression
number => number * number
Allow us to add methods to a class without:
changing its source code (or)
creating a new class that inherits from it
essentially static methods (class and method marked static). C# still allows us to use it on an instance object
No access modifier
No name
no return statement
conveniance (readable)
args goes to expression
args => expression
number => number * number
value types cannot be null
No access modifier
No name
no return statement
conveniance (readable)
args goes to expression
args => expression
number => number * number
statically typed = c#, JAVA, apex (compile-time feedback).
Dynamically typed = Ruby, JS, Python (faster but need more unit tests)
w/ Dynamic have to use Reflection
C.L.R. to machine-Code @ Run-Time
D.L.R. (sits on top of the CLR)
dynamic name = "Bob"; name = 10; (this compiles!!)
Decimal are slower than Double performance wise
Float is single precision(32 bit)
double is Double precision (64 bit)
decimal is (128bit)
Arrays are 0-based indexed
In general, it's better to use lists in c# because lists are far more easily sorted, searched through, and manipulated in c# than arrays are because of all of the built-in list functionalities in the language.
Lists are used far more often in c# than arrays are, but there are some instances where arrays can (or should) be used, including if your data is unlikely to grow very much or if you're dealing with a relatively large amount of data that will need to be indexed into often.
the c# var keyword is used to declare implicit type variables in c#
c# allows variables to be declared as explicit type or implicit type.
Implicitly typed local variables are strongly typed just as if you had declared the type yourself, but the compiler determines the type at run time depending on the value stored in them.
Implicit the compiler is doing something for you...(like with var)
Explicit = casting
class is the definition of an object and an object is instance of a class
can look at the class as a template of the object: it describes all the properties, methods, states and behaviors that the implementing object will have.
An object is an instance of a class, and a class does not become an object until it's instantiated. There can be more instances of objects based on the one class, each with different properties.
Managed code is code created by the .Net compiler.
Managed code does not depend on the architecture of the target machine because it is executed by the CLR (Common Language Run Time) and not by the operating system itself.
CLR and managed code offers developers few benefits: like garbage collection, type checking, and exceptions handling.
Unmanaged code is directly compiled to native machine code and depends on the architecture of the target machine.
Unmanaged code is executed directly by the operating system.
in unmanaged code the developer has to make sure he is dealing with memory usage and allocation (especially because of memory leaks), type safety, and exceptions manually
in .NET, Visual Basic and C# compiler creates managed code. To get unamanged code, the application has to be written in C or C++.
Garbage collection is a low-priority process that serves as an automatic memory manager which managed the allocation and release of memory for the applications.
Each time a new object is created, the CLR allocates memory for that object from the Managed Heap. As long as free memory space is available in the managed Heap, the runtime continues to allocate space for new objects...
...However, memory is not infinite, and once an application fills the Heap memory space, garbage collection comes into play to free some memory.
When the Garbage collector performs a collection, it checks for objects in the managed Heap that are no longer being used by the application and performs the necessary operations to reclaim the memory.
Garbage collection will stop all the running threads, it will find all objects in the Heap that are not being accessed by the main program and delete them... It will then reorganize all the objects left in the Heap to make space and adjust all the Pointers to these objects in both the Stack and the Heap
System.GC.Collect() to enforce garbage collection manually.
in the STACK are stored value types (types inherited from System.ValueType).
in the HEAP are stored reference types (types inherited from System.Object)
We can say the STACK is responsible for keeping track of what is actually executing and where each executing thread is (each thread has its own Stack)...while the Heap on the other hand, is responsible for keeping track of the data, or more precise objects.
objects in both the Stack and the Heap
System.GC.Collect() to enforce garbage collection manually.
Operating System
Base-Class Library
Application-Class Library
Common Language Specification