dotnet ef migrations add 'MigrationName'
adds a new migration
if do this with blank one it creates a blank migration (good for seeding)
dotnet ef database update
after a succesful migration add it applies changes to database
dotnet ef database update MigrationName
to downgrade database
use 0 for the name if no prior migrations
Needs a "join-table"
each column is a foreign key into its respective table
Start with a fresh database
Change database name in connection string in appsettings.json
dotnet ef update database
defaults to last migration in your project (can-put a prior migration-name to downgrade
dotnet ef database update 0 (take last migration out)
remove command only works to migrations not-applied to the database
dotnet ef database drop
instances of class to be stored as database table...
public DbSetclass TableName {get; set;}
with strings...EFC automatically makes them-as nvarchar(max), null (strings in c# are required)
1) Make changes to your Model (add a class)
Adjust DbSet under Data or Persistence
Public DbSetclass TableName {get; set;}
dotnet ef migrations add MigrationName (code has to compile successfully)
dotnet ef database update
if the above worked...
dotnet ef migrations add MigrationName (with no changes to model)
...creates blank migration
make changes to the "protected override void Up()
...can just copy prior one...change for new table/s and comment out prior what you added in sure to change protected override Down()
......actually didn't delete any of the pre-existing data?
dotnet ef database udpate
Deleting from an already seeded data...
Execute teh SQL commands in protected override Up()
...Don't put anything in proected override Down
......migrationBuilder.Sql("DELETE FROM tableName");
1) Build Domain Model
open terminal (make folder @ root)
2) dotnet add package (name)
dotnet restore (each time)
dotnet ef (see EntityFrameworkCore commands
dotnet ef migrations --help
3) Create DbContexes
register-it as a service for Dependancy-Injection
(want to use Dependencies so later can Unit-Test them using fake projects (startup.cs) (appsettings.json)
dotnet ef migrations add InitialModel
dotnet ef database update
1) create blank "Seed Migration"
2) inside seedDatabase.cs
migrationBuilder.Sql(); in UP (always should update DOWN)
migrationBuilder.Sql("DELETE FROM Makes); (always should update DOWN if updated UP)
3) dotnet ef database update
need a mapping class (manually add it)
needs a composite primary key (DbContext)
There are several different styles of Object-Oriented Programming, and the one JavaScript uses is Prototype-Based Inheritance. The system allows for repeated behaviour via the use of existing objects that serve as “prototypes”.
Even if the idea of prototypes is new to you, you will have encountered the prototype system by using in-built methods. For example, functions used to manipulate arrays such as map , reduce , splice and so on are all methods of the Array.prototype object. In fact, every instance of an array (defined using square brackets [], or — more unusually — using new Array()) inherits from Array.prototype , which is why methods like map , reduce and spliceare available by default.
The same is true of virtually every other built-in object, such as strings and booleans: only a few, such as Infinity , NaN , null and undefined have no properties or methods. At the end of the prototype chain we find Object.prototype , and almost every object in JavaScript is an instance of Object.prototype : Array.prototype and String.prototype , for example, both inherit properties and methods from Object.prototype . To add properties and methods to an object using prototype syntax, you can simply initiate the object as a function, and use the prototype keyword to add properties and methods:
It’s possible to change the behaviour of built-in prototypes in exactly the same way that we can create and extend our own prototypes, but most developers (and most companies) would advise against this. If you want several objects to share the same behaviour, you can always create a custom object (or define your own ‘class’ or ‘subclass’) that inherits from a built-in prototype without making any changes to the prototype itself. If you’re going to be working with other developers, they’ll have certain expectations about JavaScript’s default behaviour, and editing this default behaviour can easily lead to errors. It’s worth noting, however, that not everyone shares this strong opposition to extending built-in prototypes. See, for example, this article from Brendan Eich, the creator of JavaScript. In this article (from 2005), Eich suggested that the prototype system in fact was built — in part — to make extensions possible!
Classes: create tight coupling or hierarchies/taxonomies
Prototypes: instances inherit directly from other objects. Instances are typically instantiated via factory functions or `Object.create()`. Instances may be composed from many different objects, allowing for easy selective inheritance.
In JavaScript, prototypal inheritance is simpler & more flexible than class inheritance.
When is prototypal inheritance an appropriate choice?
A monolithic architecture means that your app is written as one cohesive unit of code whose components are designed to work together, sharing the same memory space and resources.
A microservice architecture means that your app is made up of lots of smaller, independent applications capable of running in their own memory space and scaling independently from each other across potentially many separate machines.
Monolithic Pros:
Monolithic Cons:
Microservice Pros:
Microservice Cons:
Positive attitudes toward microservices, despite the higher initial cost vs monolthic apps. Aware that microservices tend to perform and scale better in the long run.
Structure the app so that services are independent from each other at the code level, but easy to bundle together as a monolithic app in the beginning. Microservice overhead costs can be delayed until it becomes more practical to pay the price.