Good combination of templates, dependency injection
Npm install -g @angular/cli
basically used for installing the angular CLI in specifically mention package manager of npm
Ng help
Providing available online help related to angular by executing this command.
Ng generate -help
it gives an entire list of executable commands in angular with mentioning some common short description.
Ng new first--angular-project
used for creating one new basic project in angular, the developer should need to go to the corresponding workspace and executing this command for creating one new project
Cd first-angular-project
simply navigating to newly created project folder
client App - client side stuff
controllers, views - MVC aspNetcore
wwwroot - public client side
main-client.js (angular compiled into JS)
vendor.js (compilation 3rd party JS)
Project is Blacklisted (in ASPnetCore)...wwwroot is WhiteListed (more likely that nothing private gets exposed)
missing/different: dist folder in wwwroot
Configure Services for dependency injection
IServiceCollection container for all our Dependencies
services.AddTransient(Interface, Implementation)
Configure (configuring logging of application)
app.useStaticFiles() (middleware...)enables us to serve images, stylesheets
app.UseMvc() (another middleware)
need a .ts file and a .html file
register in App.model (or use terminal)
.Net Watch Run Tool
put in .csproj?
dotnet restore (after adding it)
dotnet watch run
sudo npm install @angular/cli@latest -g
ng new name (create new Angular app)
copy into existing project
above DEPRACATED in Angular6 ...NOW called angular.json
cd .angular-cli.json ../
ng g component 'name'-form (creates a new Angular component)
the .spec.ts file is for Unit Tests (Jasmine)
this command also registers our component in app.module.ts (otherwise we'd have to 1) import @ top 2) @NgModule imports: []
Creating a Route
bottom of app.module.ts get
Package (encapsulate) calls to API/backend into services
services folder (under client app)
ng g service name (create 2 files .spec (Unit Tests)
after making-it have to register-it as a Dependency in appmodule.ts provides: [], (@ bottom)
Console -> Network (check API calls) XHR?
/ root of current drive
./ current directory
../ parent of current directory
[()] = 2 way binding
{{ }} = interopolated string
1) Create a Resource (inside Resources in Controllers)
2) Create mapping between Resource and Class
Domain to API Resource (give out to user)
API Resource to Domain (taking input)
3) inject AutoMapper into Controller Constructor (IMapper)
API Resources 2 reasons to create:
1) Prevent API contract from breaking (classes (Domain) change)
2) Prevent Over-Posting attacks (contain properties shouldn't be set by client)
Testing APIs
postman chrome extension
collection of Domain objects
or Command/Query Objects (
Want-our controller to-be coupled to an Interface...NOT an implementation (helps w/ Unit Tests) (DON'T want to be dependent on External file-systems/Databases
when creating an Infterface...need to register them in startup.cs ( Register as:
Transient - a seperate instance of repository for every use
Singleton - a single instance of repository during app. lifecycle
Scoped - A single instance of repository each scope. (this is how our Repository is w/ DbContext right now (won't make another call to database if object already in Memory)
Decoupling Controller from Entity Framework Core
Easy to replace w/ another O.R.M.
Object Oriented Programming - seperate what changes from what doesn't
Repository should-not expose IQueryable
Repository over repository
EFC already implements Repository and Unit of Work ...
...Want Controller Decoupled from EFC (Couple to Interface instead)
...Encapsulating Queries into one class
Not increased Complexity
Interface is a contract...NOT an implementation (helps w/ Decoupling )
Bad to put the above in Repository (Repo is a collection of Objects in memory)
You might have several different Repositories
So we'll use DbContext in Unit of Work AND Repository Class (nowhere else)
create a Mapping Dictionary keys = strings, values = Expressions
Dictionary(string, Expression(Func(Vehicle, object))
create IQueryAbleExtensions (Extension on IQueryAable class)
1) make Extensions folder @ root of project
2) class IQueryAbleExtensions public static class
3) Methods: public static IQueryable(T)ApplyOrdering(T)( )
allow us to use Generic(T) to decouple from particular objects
4) VehicleQuery: IQueryObject
public bool isSortAscending { get; set; } (not specific to just object (universal))
public string SortBy { get; set; }
High-level modules shouldn't depend upon low-level modules. Both should depend upon abstractions
Example: Controller ---= IRepository =-- Repository
REDUCES impact of changes!
Add a core folder to-make better! (Move Interfaces in there)
paging done in SQL Server...NOT in Memory
1) Vehicle(or whichever object)Query class
2) VehicleQuery resource (for calling Repository)
3) VehicleRepository (for logic)
1) need pagination component (raises an Event everytime we change page #)
2) Shared-folder (put component in there)
3) Query Result Class (Use Generic(T))
every class neds a Resource (for front-end of Angular)
4) then need mapper between Resource and Query Result Class
classes: NameObject Query ... NameObjectQueryResult
Resources: NameObject QueryResource ... QueryResult Resource
queries data using dbContext
returns QueryResult
calls IQueryableExtension (for sorting...this takes an IQueryObject)
Takes-in-a ObjectQueryResource
Returns a QueryResultResource(ObjectResource) (use Generic(T))
1) on-init... component uses services to bring in model-objects (objects matched to ObjectResource) (every component has a service class)
2) the service making API calls (through authenticated Http) to the relevant controller
3) Controller dependency injects: Imapper mapper, IModelClassRepository repo, IUnitofWork UnitOfWork,
4) Controller uses IRepository to query the database for desired object class...
IRepository (in case our repository (data access layer) changes in the future...we only have to change in one spot)
ClassRepository implements the IClassRepository... accesses the database using desired DbContext
5) Repository returns the desired class object and the controller uses IMapper to map the class object to a to a class resource for use by the component in the view (UI) (every returnable class object should have a resource in Angular)
Mapper for going between model classes and model resources (resources make for better use in component views
6) Unit of work and IUnit of work (for decoupling away database updating)
Unit of work implementing IUnitOfWork (injecting DbContext)
1) Controller takes a ClassQuery object and returns a QueryResult(class)
ClassQuery object implements IQueryObject(T)
IQueryObject(T) and IQueryableExtensions go inside 'Extensions' folder of root project
2) Repository method takes a ClassQuery object and returns a QueryResult(T)
3) QueryResult(class) returned but needs to be mapped to QueryResultResource(class) for use in the component view