{{ variable }} getting variables to display in HTML (interopalation)
Conditionals: div v-if
Custom Components
component = part of a View
comments in Blog-Post
creats a partial-view containing vue-scripts Needed
can pass things from ViewModel directly into Vue Component '@Model.Id'
Start by Returning an empty view
public IActionResult Index(string path) => View();
then in your razor view...
@{ ViewBag.Title = "ADMIN" } div id="app" @section scripts { script src="/js/app.min.js" }
ViewApp (folder w/ Vue code)
similar to .NetCore SPA templates
contains a webpack.config.js
vueloader (compiles Vue into JS)
babel = for cross-Browser support
main.js file
new Vue({ router, store, render: h=> h(App), }).$mount('#app');
SPAs stateless by default
Vuex is based on Flux (React)
use a "store pattern" for smaller apps
KendUI for Vue (via cdn) ... same as JQuery Widgets
npm install -g @vue/cli
vue create name -d (without -d it asks questions)
npm run serve
in vsCode... ctrl + shift + p (creates a new terminal in current active directory)
Vue starting (app)
1) main.js - we don't serve from 'public' ... happens from 'dist'
style lang="scss" scoped.
scoped means style is scoped to only this component
without scoped... applies to entire application
put what you want site-wide in app.vue file
'this' inside a function() points to the Global object (the DOM usually)
EVENT Bubbling: Events bubble up inside the DOM-tree
Attach it to the parent element and wait for it (catch it)
Use cases:
...Have an element w/ lots of child elements we're interested in
...When we want an Event handler attached to an element that is not yet in the DOM when our page is loaded
document methods:
In a nutshell, scoping and hoisting effect how the code we write will deal with our declarations (such as var, let, const and function).
Global Scope is created internally by JavaScript as var window = Window() (rough equivalent) behind the veil.
Global Scope acts as the first automatically created Execution Context roughly at the time when the browser opens a URL
Variables defined with var, let, or const are created within Variable Environment. This is why they are not automatically tied to the window object nor bound to this object
let and const
Keep in mind that we have created one pair of i and parameter variables for each iteration of the for loop. Compare this to before when we just had one single i and parameter being rewritten each time. This matters a little bit for memory consumption.
Finally, since we also created the setTimeout callback function within the same scope, they will co-live with the protected values of i and parameter. Block scope will remain preserved even after stepSum finished executing
Inside the forEach block, the function total is hoisted, so when the `total += parameter;` line runs, it uses the function total, not the total variable defined outside of the forEach block. This means the let total varaible is unaffected by the forach block, so when the total is returned, it’s value is still 0, the same as it was at creation.
Functions are objects, can be assigned to variables, stored in objects or arrays, passed as an argument to other functions, and returned from functions.
A JS function is an object becaues its prototype is an object, and so it inherits methods from the protype
main JS runtime is single-threaded....so two functions can't run at same time.
Functions (except for arrow functions) have two pseudo-parameters: this and arguments
3 ways to define a function:
Functions can be used before declaration since function declarations are moved, or "hoisted", to the top of their scope. (variables set to undefined in creation phase)
Closures are not formed with anonymous functions
Function A() declares variable X and returns Function B()....Function B() CAN access variable X because of closures
in module pattern, public methods can access private functions and variables because a CLOSURE was created.
WHEN program calls a function...
WHEN function ends...
function to be executed AFTER another has finished
Why need CallBack Functions?...
...JS is Event - Driven language (will keep executing while listening for other events)...
...Callbacks are a way to make certain code doesn't execute until other code has already finished execution.
Can use callBack functions() to defer activities into future to make our CODE NonBlocking.
Pass a reference to a function as an argument... you do this the function you’re passing as an argument is called a callback function and the function you’re passing the callback function to is called a higher order function.
first Class Functions = passing functions as parameters to other functions
'this' inside a function() points to the Global object (the DOM usually)
Methods are functions that are stored in objects. Functions are independent. In order for a function to know on which object to work on this is used. this represents the function's context
The value of this depends on how the function was invoked, not where the function was defined.
There is no point to use this when a function is invoked with the function form: doSomething(). In this case this is undefined or is the window object, depending if the strict mode of JS is enabled or not.
When a function is invoked with the method form: theObject.doSomething(), this represents the object.
When a function is used as a constructor: new Constructor(), this represents the newly created object.
When a function sits in the global scope, then the value of ‘this’ is the Window object. Think of it as the test function being a method on the context in which it sits (the window object).
However, if a function is executed in strict mode, ‘this’ will return undefined because strict mode does not allow default binding.
The value of this can be set with apply() or call(): doSomething.apply(theObject). In this case this is the object sent as the first parameter to the method.
sugar syntax for creating an anonymous function expression.
let doSomething = () => {};
Arrow Functions don't have their own this and arguments
Share the surrounding this keyword...
An arrow function expression has a shorter syntax than a function expression and does not have its own this, arguments, super, or new.target. These function expressions are best suited for non-method functions, and they cannot be used as constructors
...lexical this variable (use arrow functions to preserve value of this)
Every async function() always returns a Promise
Destructuring = returning multiple values from a function()
Immediately Invoked Function Expression is only called ONCE (IIFE)
Private Functions